Power Rangers
Being moody for whole day.. just now I searched through Imeem for songs to listen, searching the ones which suits my mood to post here, but power ranger theme song appeared! It really do cheered me up a bit.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the first generation of Power Rangers by Haim Saban and Shuki Levi. It is the best of all Power Rangers, even until now. Bringing back a lot of childhood memories.. I was around 7 years old by that time. Its a long way back. I remembered that I draw the logo in art period when in school. The teacher even stick my picture on the wall, which I'm so proud of it. Below is the opening of first season.. how much can you remember?
Well, that's the opening video. Everyone is so familiar about the song which it still bring smile to teenagers faces.. bringing back their memories, like me.This is the earliest 5 members of Power Rangers, after some time, Green Ranger appeared on screen with its Dragon Zord. I still love first generation Mega Zord, still the best of my choice of all generations of Power Rangers. It's built up by 5 zords, made up of some dinosaurs and some ice age animals.
The following video is taken from YouTube. It's the morphing of Mega Zord. It was edited already so it seems a bit unconnected in some places. Enjoy.
That's something interesting which I come up tonight. Hope you enjoyed.
Daylight saving is over.. adding an hour later after midnight, that means, we got only 23 hours tomorrow. lose 1 hour.
No comment on power rangers. XD
Sad that we lose an hour... :-(
what the....
yo i like power rangers!
哈哈。。。。你勾起我童年美好的回忆。我小的时候,很爱看这种东西,除了power rangers外,还很喜欢看baja hitam RX,哈哈哈。。。想起来都觉得好笑。。。唉。。真怀念,好久没看到那一代的片子了,我也是比较喜欢以前的,对现在的则不大有兴趣,不过现在的战士都不是叫这个名字了吧??
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