First day of September, that's last Saturday, I went to The Orsett Show with aunt and granny. The Orsett show is a traditional agricultural town show held in Orsett since 1895. The show provides a mix of both town and country attractions to provide a great family day out with plenty for all the family to see and do.
The weather was fine that day, sunny, windy but not freezing. The entrance cost £9 per person but you can stay there for whole day and watch any shows. Too many shows to see though. You can even go out the show ground and come back again whenever you want.
I didn't took many photos of the crowds, more focussed on the events. The first event which caught my attention was the motorcycle show. They really got guts to do that. There are 2 riders taking turns to showoff their skills and in the end, they both 'fly' together...
Sorry about the video, it was not taken properly as I can't see the screen of my camera.
After that, I went around the tents... and I saw this...
Our very own Proton Satria Neo on display... this is the basic 1.3L version, selling at £7995. I wonder how are the sales figures....
Agriculture Tent
It was very interesting seeing that there are competitions going on. Contestants brought their best harvested fruits or vegetables to enter the competition and the judges will judge the best of all.
Home-made Wine
The Heaviest: pumpkins and marrows
other categories are like cabbage, onions, turnips and etc. That's for the agriculture tent...
Arts & Crafts tent
Basically I didn't took many photos as most of them were arts. This is the baking contest where the concept is basically similar to the one above.
This is the one which impressed me. How are the ships look? Nice? Printed? Postcard? No. They were painted by hands on a piece of stone!! This marine artist really impressed me. He can draw every ship in the world as he has all of the ships' informations.
So much for the art & craft tent... we move on to the outdoors...
Steam engines
So here is the steam engines' show. As you can see, this one below is huge, and it's the biggest in all others.
while this one.... is the smallest... cute eh? even the whistle sounds so cute..
This is 1 of the 2 early steam rollers in the show...
and this... is the oldest engine. And it's my favourite. It looks like a sports car design though.. Long wheel base and low central of gravity.
Coming up next is the classic cars' show. As of space reason, and I know readers are not fan of cars, I just show you this picture. Behind the classic cars are the steam engines earlier on.
That's all the shows that I was able to watch. Some random photos below to share with you all...
This wooden cow here is for you to milk it. Of course, brown fake wooden cow comes with brown fake milk...
This is one of the horse in the stables. There was a horse race later in the afternoon which I was unable to watch due to time limit.
Horse shoe making... which is interesting to see. I think this industry is becoming rarer nowadays.
And this is the photo which I like the most in all the photos which I took that day. I don't really know the reasons though. Just like it.
Anyway, other than the above events, there are still dog shows, donkey rides, amusement park, terrier racing and etc which I was unable to see. Farm rare breeds were available as well. There was also helicopter rides which cost £25 per person for don't know how long is the ride.
That's the Orsett Show.