Second Trip to Metro Centre
It's my second time to Metro Centre within this few days. Today's trip is different from Sunday as there are more people and different people going. Me, Alvin, Vincent, Cathy and Maple. Adrian told us he'll go today, but this morning when calling him, he answer the call in his bed telling us he can't get up so not going. =.=" what the... Heard Maple said Chloe can't wake up as well... sigh~~
Anyway, the sun is so bright and weather is very warm today. We were all having fun there for around 4 hours in the shopping complex. Cathy got what she wanted to buy, a pair of shoes, a skirt and a shirt. Maple bought same shoes with Cathy and she's satisfied with that.
So, today we paired up yea... Alvin pak-to with Cathy while me with Maple.. duh... It's so funny that we keep on saying something about Cathy's ---(((censored)))--- hehe... don't wanna tell what is it. So we had our lunch at KFC which we don't have anymore chance to eat in Sunderland as Sunderland's KFC branch turn out to be like this.This empty shop lot used to be KFC.. it closed maybe because of the food is lousy and no service on counter... anyway, back to story. So we had our lunch at KFC in Metro Centre.
Poor Alvin's head got covered by Vincent. hehe.. so... after a round of hard work... the result came out to be like this......
After that we went shopping again, with stomach super full... at around 4p.m. we left Metro Centre and head towards China Town to get some food for dinner and some other food for everyday consume, eg. instant noodles!
We arrived home at around 6p.m. Sun is still bright so we decide to go to Mowbray Gardens after dinner at around 7p.m. but when we get there, it's closed.. sigh~~ but we manage to grab some photos in town area.This is the photo I loved the most in today's photo shooting in town area. Sunderland Minster under sunset.
So that's my life today... tiring but fun... lots of fun which I didn't mention as well... and some photos which are taboo to show here... or I'll be in trouble.. hehe...
i'm the 1st...
AC...u not the 1st who given comment this time...haha...
Today really have lot of fun...
As jeremy i pak-to wif Cathy...then he pak-to wif Maple...and we had a bodyguard who call vincent...
Jeremy, luckily u still know u will in trouble if u put some of those photo...haha... really have lot of fun...
today was happy day... :)
happy day~~hiak hiak!!
jeremy, we already enjoying a few days of holiday...there for we already didn't touch on our assignment in this few days....
so tomoro is the day we back on our own work...gambateh...
Life goes on...
Back to bed
hiak hiak... hope we can get back to work soon...
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