New Banner Old Banner
What do you think of my new banner above? Well, just a facelift actually, not really new. The old one is uploaded at 19/5/07 and new one is uploaded yesterday, 10/5/08. So the old banner is around 1 year old.
Comparison. The first old one and second new one. What are the differences? Can you spot it beside the pictures in the banner?Which one is better? Any other suggestions? Drop a comment.
The old one is dated, this is way much better.
how do you describe dated as in the old one? hehe.. curious to know.. actually the themes of the 2 banners are quite similar though. is it that the M3 is different? hahaha...
hmm the new one looks unique because of the blurriness. More friends in the friends picture. 2nd one has a workplace instead of uni to mark that you're working. car... looks the same to me haha. well you love cars! :p
yea... that's all malaysians and hong kong ppl i know in sunderland. The cars are different. hehe... and some background stuff u guys really didn't realize eh... so it's still disguised.. :P
The new one is more trendy whereas the old one is as if it's from the 90's.
aiks... 90s... wah... so old!! I only uploaded a yr ago.. haha...
and.. why only Myvikiller & Sabrina comment... :( nobody reading my blog anymore nowadays? so sad...
hehehehe~ jeremy~ i got notice what diff loh~ ^.^ ur background is edited~ u got put other pictures in it~ but u hide it~ and chg the contrast and hue and everything~ and used the old color themes to disguise it~ with the sma estrokes and evrything~ ^.^ i tot so~ i try to alter the color and the contrast of ur banner~ and i saw alot of kaki ~ is it pictures of ur friends and ur dream gurl? meow~ u cant hide it from little~old~me~ =P
wah!!! u took it down and edit a!!! I nv see ppl will come this far to tell me de difference!!
the old one the pic not tat clear though
=P hehehe~ well~ thad day u said i chg edi~ i got eyes for details ler~ =P i see things and i "READ" it.... =X u know lah~ that day oledi u know rite?
my reaction to pictures~ expeially people de~ =X hahahaha~ ^.^""""
Lydia... u also took it down and edit izit? haha...
well,angel~, u are just too free... :P
nolah~ me very bz de lah~ hehehe~ not free~ it is called KEHPOH~ =X WAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA =X if only i got learn photoshop~ wakakakakaka~ then jeremy~ i die liao~ ur secrets cannot hide from me liao~ XD
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